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BBNaijaAllStars: Before and after picture of Uriel trends online

BBNaijaAllStars: Before and after picture of Uriel trends online

Before and after pictures of BBNaijaAllStars housemate Uriel have surfaced online, and people are reacting to them. The pictures started trending after Big Brother complimented the reality star for having worked on her body to gain a perfect shape.

Judging from what people are saying online, it seems Uriel gained her body shape through daily exercise and workouts, unlike some ladies who venture into so many surgeries to get the shape they want.

Since Uriel entered Biggie's house for the All-Star reality show, she has been working out on a daily basis to maintain her shape and look beautiful.

Kindly take a look at the trending pictures below.

BBNaijaAllStars: Before and after picture of Uriel trends online
BBNaijaAllStars: Before and after picture of Uriel trends online

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