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Facebook user schools ladies on how to cage their man instead of using charms

Facebook user schools ladies on how to cage their man instead of using charms

A Facebook user identified as Hector Njoku has taken to his social media and schooled ladies on how to cage their man instead of using charms.
Njoku advised them to always use soft words, respect, a nice approach, and submissiveness. He also stated that a combination of the above mentioned can make a man love his woman unconditionally. 
He wrote:
"No charm catches man like Respect, Soft Words, Nice Approach and Submissiveness. Try this and Thank me later."
Facebook user schools ladies on how to cage their man instead of using charms

I strongly agree with what Njoku stated above. Men do not make fun of any woman who respects and treats them well. This is the main reason why women were advised to be submissive to their husbands during the olden days. 
Do you agree with all that Njoku stated above? Kindly use the comment box and air your views. Thanks for reading. 

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